Brief Introduction
▶ 私人家庭管家 Private household butler
▶ 酒店管家 Hotel butler
▶ 会所管家 Club butler
▶ 售楼处管家 Sales office butler
▶ 物业管家 Property butler
▶ 邮轮管家 Cruise butler
▶ 航空管家 Flight butler
关于英式管家 The Role of Butler |
独特的(卓越)服务 Unique (excellent) service |
管家餐饮服务基础 Fundamentals of butler catering services |
私人服务理论教学 Theory on personal service |
管家优雅的秘密 The Secret of Housekeeper's Elegance |
管家服务基本技能训练 Basic Skills Training for Housekeeping Services |
如何使用托盘训练 Carying Tray |
管家日常工作/私人服务 Day to day butling / personal service |
管家行为与仪态规范训练 Butler's Personal Norms and Values |
如何引导客人服务训练 How to guide customer service training |
器具的擦拭与摆放 Tableware Management |
餐酒服务与侍酒 Catering and Serving |
管家仪态气质训练 Butler's Manner and Appearance |
提供奢侈品/奢华服务 Provide luxury goods/services |
餐酒知识&葡萄酒专业知识 Introduction of Wine Tasting |
旅行管理 Travel management |
管家的基本素养 The Quality of Modem Butler |
服务技能和个人服务展示 Service traits and personal presentation |
餐酒搭配的基本原则 The basic principles of dining and wine pairing |
行李的拆包与打包 Valeting Skills |
管家个人行为探讨和训练 Discussion and training on personal behavior of butlers |
会见客人和接待客人 Meeting & receiving guests |
茶文化与专业知识 Introduction of Tea Culture |
客房准备 Room Preparation |
管家角色与团队合作 The role of butler and team collaboration |
事件管理与活动宴会策划 Event & Banquet Planning |
茶饮制作与服务 Tea Making & Serving |
中西餐餐台设计及摆放 Tabel Managemnent in Westemn and Chinese style |
管家君子之道 Butler Service in Chinese Culture |
管家的弹药库 Essential Database for Butler |
咖啡文化与专业知识 Introduction of Coflee Culture |
准备高尔夫的艺术 The Art of Preparing for Golf |
保密安全 Security |
客人资料记录本 Guest Pantry Book |
咖啡制作与服务 Coffee Making & serving |
家庭管理 Household management |
Professional Faculty Team
The ultimate butler training is passionate and eager to become the best